CURA-WAROL > Research Partnership Projects > Ageing and End of career (EOC)

Ageing and End of career (EOC)

In this Research Partnership Project, the CURA investigates existing retirement, preretirement and other end of career provisions (progressive or phased retirement, working time arrangements, post retirement work schemes), as well as measures being implemented or that could undergo experimentation (for example time-credit schemes as in Belgium).


Different practices and approaches have been implemented either in the framework of business management strategies or within public policies, for example preretirement and progressive retirement. These practices are not widespread or systemic; it is therefore important not only to identify them but also to survey the perception of workers, businesses and social actors on these matters. Such perceptions largely determine attitudinal change, practices, as well as public policies. The CURA focuses on the range of practices that pertain to end of career, to working time arrangements as well as to post retirement work schemes. Research also documents the expectations of individuals and practices implemented by organisations.
The CURA also follows the evolution of programs and policies in several countries with a particular interest in France, Belgium, Japan, Sweden and Finland; the latter country introduced interesting measures intended to foster the retention of ageing workers.

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Ongoing projects within this Research Partnership Projects (RPP)

 Research headed by Bernard Fusulier (Université de Louvain-la-Neuve) and Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay (TÉLUQ-UQÀM) on end of career and retirement and preretirement programs in Québec and Belgium. In collaboration with research assistants Thibauld Moulaert and Maryse Larivière, the researchers produced a report entitled “Travailler plus longtemps !? L’aménagement des fins de carrière en Belgique et au Québec.“
 Research on post retirement work schemes and career wind-down in Québec (headed by Tania Saba, in collaboration with Ali Béjaoui, Marie-Ève Dufour and Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay).
 Comparative research on retirement plans, preretirement and end of career measures in France, Japan, the USA, in Sweden and Finland. A research report is produced from this investigation. (by Siham Aboussaia, under the supervision of Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay).
 Analysis of shifts in the employment market pertaining to demographic ageing and its economic consequences. A comparison between three sectors in Québec based on gender and level of competence: Elisabetta Pernigotti, postdoctoral researcher under the supervision of Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, in partnership with Linda Cyrenne, Textiles Sector Committee)
 Research on work reorganization and end of career in the textile sector (Marcia Silveira, doctoral candidate under the supervision of Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, in partnership with Linda Cyrenne, Textiles Sector Committee).
 Research on intergenerational knowledge transfers in the arts and crafts sector (under the supervision of Eduardo Davel).

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Upcoming projects
 Case studies of enterprises identified as exemplary or innovative organisations with respect to career wind-down and ageing.
 Retirement: Choice Or Constraint? Is it possible to save enough money for retirement?
 Active aging: meaning and application of the concept, in collaboration with CAMF (Carrefour Action Municipale et Famille).
 End of career and work difficulties: research to be undertaken in several work environments, in collaboration with CURA member unions.

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